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what is an underground fiber cable

December 29, 2020

Latest company news about what is an underground fiber cable

Underground cable refers to the cable that is often buried in the ground compared to common overhead lines, so it is also called underground cable. Cables are made of one or more insulated conductors and protective layers that are insulated from each other, and are used to transfer power or information from one place to another. After entering the modern society, due to the shortage of urban land, heavy traffic pressure, and appearance construction, large cities generally use underground cable transmission. Compared with the overhead line, the cable has the advantages of small footprint, reliable power transmission, and strong anti-interference ability. The construction scheme, protective measures, census procedures, basic requirements of directly buried cables and underground cable fault locator are introduced in detail.


cable specification:

Allowable Tensile Load
Allowable Crush Resistance
      Short Term Long Term Short Term Long Term
2~30 13.2 162 3000 1000 3000 1000
32~48 13.8 175 3000 1000 3000 1000
50~72 14.6 205 3000 1000 3000 1000
74~96 16.0 230 3000 1000 3000 1000
98~144 17.6 285 3000 1000 3000 1000
>144 Avaliable upon customer's request


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About underground cable,we have many different stucture of it. Pls kindly click here for more info of this products.

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